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Twelth Aswathy Festival
Mahaganapathi Homam, Prathishtakarmangal (Bhadrakaali, Upadev... read more » - 2
Twelth Aswathy Festival
Mahaganapathi Homam,Annadhanam,Dance show and Musical event at... read more » - 3
Twelth Aswathy Festival
Mahaganapathi Homam,Thazhikakudaprathishta, Mahaprasadhamoott... read more » - 4
Twelth Aswathy Festival
Ashtadravyasamethamaha Ganapathi Homam,Annadhanam,Special pooja. read more » - 5
Twelth Aswathy Festival
Mahaganapahi Homam, Annadhanam, Lalithasahasranaamarchana. read more » - 6
Twelth Aswathy Festival
Ashtadravyasametha Mahaganapathi Homam with 1008 coconuts,Anna... read more »
Subordinate Deities
The Subordinate dieties(Upadevathas) of Sri. Chamayam kara Devi are Sri.NarayanaGuru Devan,Siva and Parvathi, Mahavishnu,Mahaganapathy,DurgaDevi,Dharmasashthavu,Nagaraja and Nagayakshi,Rakshas,Yogiswaran and Panchamoorthies.
Sree NarayanaGuru Devan
In his physical
existance,Sri.NarayanaGuru was known as a social reformer.He has a legitimate place in the history of Kerala.
His spiritual mind could be able to visualise the reality in himself.
Siva and Parvathi
Loard Siva represents death and
dissolution and indicates Sakthi(Power).Usually in temples,The shrine of Siva is worshiped separately and the
idol is named as 'Siva Linga'.Godess parvathi is the divine consort of Lord Shiva.Two of her fierce but very
powerful forms are Durga (Goddess beyond reach) and Kali (Goddess of Destruction).She is believed as the mother
of the world.
Loard Mahavishnu is the maintainer of the universe.
He represents sattva-guna, or the mode of goodness by which everything is sustained. Lord Vishnu is often portrayed
resting on the huge serpent of Sesha. We see that the thousand heads of Sesha are all turned inward, representing a
tranquil mind, and looking towards the absolute truth of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is also seen in the yogic sleep
called yoga-nidra. The yoga-nidra is a cosmic sleep wherein the Lord is focused on the infinite reality of his own
Mahaganapathy is the first son of loard Siva
and Parvathy and is believed as the leader of ganas.the idol is commonly found as an elephant headed human being.
Durga is a symbol of feminine power.Dugadevi is
portrayed with eighteen arms,carrying weapons in all the arms and riding a lion or tiger.
Lord Shiva and Mohini give birth to Dharmasastha(Sri.Ayyappan).
Nagaraja and Nagayakshi
Snake Cult is a widely accepted
custom in hindu Temples.Snakes will be considered as the subordinate diety of the main idol.To make them pleased,they will be
offered with milk,turmeric,tender coconut etc. by the priests.The pulluvanpattu and sasthanpaattu are other offerings to the snakes.
The idols of snakes will be placed at a place named 'Kavu'.Nagaraja and Nagayakshi are the King and queen of snakes.
According to Hindu mythology,the Bramha-Rakshus was believed as a demon spirit.The word Brahm means Brahmin and Rakshas, a demon.During the life span of a common man,if he fails to do favours to others,after his death he will become a Bramha-Rakshus.Then the Rakshus will be assigned with a duty to do good things for the whole world.
Yogiswaran is the ancient family chief who would like to be there with the Devi always.
The panchamoorties are Chathan,Chamundi,Veerabhadran,Kodumkali and Neechan.